Mica Capacitor High Voltage High Current Cylindrical Type.  


Our Capacitors are designed for frequencies ranging from 0.1 MHZ to 3MHZ ideal for high current and high voltage circuits like broad casting, welding,induction heating and other high frequency equipment etc. These capacitors electrically & dimensionally equivalent to MIL - C - 5 Style CM -76 through CM - 91 in capacitance & current ratings
WITHSTANDVOLTAGE : When AC voltage is applied graduall between the terminals from zero to the spcified value, which is "rms value equal to the rated peak voltage" and full potential is applied for 5 second minimum at a frequency 100 HZs less, there will be no damage, arcing or break down.
DISSIPATION FACTOR : DF limit 1000pf - 0.004 measured at 1MHZ & 1000pf -0.0015 measured at 1KHZ
INSULATION RESISTANCE : Better Then 7500 M - ohms after 1 minute application100VDC
The encasing of the capeciters will with stand an volage after the terminals are connected together and the case is touched by metel electrode at 60 Hz peak AC potential eqal to two times rated PWv with out acing, breakdown or damaging for a duration of 1 to 5seconds
            Capacitance,PKW,Current Details
Type Cammercoal
equivalent MIL-c-5
P K L Capacitance value
Tol+ Current Amp
at 1 MHZ
C1 2.00 1 to 6KV 75000 to 47 pf 5% 22to1.2
C2 2.50 1.5 to 10KV 00000 at 47 pf 5% 39 to.2
C3 3.50 2 to 20KV 100000 at 47 pf 5% 51 to 2.2
C4 3.50 3 to 30 KV 100000 at100 pf 5% 62 to 501
           ase Dimensions(in inch)
Type A H J T K Figure
C1 2.00 2.00 0.062±.010 0.50 1/4-28 .219 deep 1
C2 2.50 2.50 0.062±.010 0.50 1/4-28 .219 deep 1
C3 3.50 3.25 0.062±.010 0.75 3/8-24 .219 deep 1
C4 3.50 5.00 0.062±.010 0.75 3/8-24 .219 deep 1
           langes Dimension (in inch)
Type L W T C H Figure
1 3.8 2.0 0.250 3.250 0.272 2
2 5.0 2.5 0.250 4.250 0.272 2
3&4 6.5 5.0 0.375 5.750 0.383 2
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