Physical Properties Of MICA





Colour transp_small.gif (49 bytes) Ruby / Green Amber / Yellow
Density gm/cm3 2.6 - 3.2 2.6-3.2
lb/ln3 0.095 - 0.116 0.095-0.116
Specific Heat transp_small.gif (49 bytes) 0.21 0.21
Hardness Moh Scale 2.8 - 3.2 2.3 - 3.0
Shore Test 80 - 105 70 - 100
Optic Axial Angle transp_small.gif (49 bytes) 55 - 75 5 - 25
Tensile Strength kgf/cm2 about 1750 about 1000
lbf/in2 about 25000 about 15000
Shear Strength kgf/cm2 2200 - 2700 1000 - 1300
lbf/in2 31000 - 38000 14000 - 19000
Compression Strength kgf/cm2 1900 - 2850 ---
lbf/in2 27000 - 32000 ---
Modulus of Elasticity kgf/cm2 x 10-3 1400 - 2100 1400 - 2100
lbf/in2 X 10-6 20 - 30 20 -30
Coefficient of expansion per ° C perpendicular to cleavage plane transp_small.gif (49 bytes) 9 X 10-6 - 36 X 10-6 30 X 10-6 - 60 X 10-6
Calcining Temperature C 700 - 800 900 - 1000
F 1290 - 1470 1650 - 1830
Maximum operating temperature C 500 - 600 800 - 900
F 930 - 1110 1470 - 1650
Thermal conductivity transp_small.gif (49 bytes) transp_small.gif (49 bytes) transp_small.gif (49 bytes)
Perpendicular to cleavage planes about 0.0013 about 0.0001
BTU/hr/ft2/0f/ft about 0.31 about 0.24
Parallel to cleavage planes transp_small.gif (49 bytes) about 0.012
BTU/hr/ft2/0f/ft transp_small.gif (49 bytes) about 3.0
Water of constitution % transp_small.gif (49 bytes) 4.5 3.0
Moisture absorption transp_small.gif (49 bytes) Very low Very low
Apparent electric strength 0.001" to 0.003" KV/mm 120 - 200 ---
thick Volts per 0.001" 3000 - 5000 ---
R.M.S. at 15° C (60° F) 0.01" to 0.05" KV/mm 40 - 80 30 -60
thick Volts per 0.001" 1000 - 2000 750 -1500
Permittivity at 15° C (60 F) transp_small.gif (49 bytes) 6 - 7 5 - 6
Power Factor (loss tangent) @ 15° C (60° F) 0.0001 - 0.0004 0.001 - 0.005
Volume Resistivity 25° C (77° F) ohm cm 40 x 1013-2 x 1017 1 x 1012 - 1 x 1012
Acid reaction transp_small.gif (49 bytes) Affected by Hydrofluoric Acid Affected by Sulphuric Acid

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