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Mica Blocks
Mica after extraction from the mines is sorted out and the pieces having area larger than 1" sq. and up and a having a thickness of 7 mils and up are classified separately as Mica Blocks. This mica is the basic raw material for all the various types available for export apart from mica scrap, flakes and powder. These pieces after undergoing size and quality classification as defined in other pages are exported. Mica blocks are irregular in shape.
Mica Thins
Pieces of mica block having a  thickness range between 2 mils to 7 mils  are classified as mica thins. These are used to manufacture fabricated mica, description of which has been  given elsewhere in this book.
Mica Condensor Films
Pieces of high quality mica having thickness generally less than 2 mils are classified as condensor films. These films are used in the manufacture of silver mica plates used in mica capacitors.
Mica Splitting
Pieces of medium quality mica having a thickness of less than 1 mil are classified as mica splitting. These splitting are supplied either "Bookform" type or "Loose" type. These splitting are used in the manufacture of Micanite related products .

Mica Scrap

Mica scrap is the nomenclature given to the irregular lumps of mica as received from the mines having a area between 1/2" and 1 1/2" sq. This type of mica is mainly exported to plants all over the world to be made into a pulp used for the manufacturing of mica paper and reconstituted mica plates. Domestically, it is used as a raw material for the manufacture of mica flakes and powder.

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